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- [Kor99] Ulrich Kortenkamp, Foundations of Dynamic Geometry, Dissertation, ETH Zürich, Institut für Theoretische Informatik, Zürich, 11 1999.
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- [RGK02] Jürgen Richter-Gebert and Ulrich H. Kortenkamp, Complexity issues in Dynamic Geometry, Foundations of Computational Mathematics (Proceedings of the Smale Fest 2000) (Felipe Cucker and J. Maurice Rojas, eds.), World Scientific, 2002, Also available as technical report TRB-2000/22, Freie Universität Berlin.
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- [KD10] Ulrich Kortenkamp and Christian Dohrmann, User interface design for Dynamic Geometry software, Acta Didactica Napocensia 3 (2010), no. 2, 59–66.
- [FK09] Andreas Fest and Ulrich Kortenkamp, Teaching graph algorithms with visage, Teaching Mathematics and Computer Science 7 (2009), no. 1, 35–50.
- [GKLWM05] Anne Geschke, Ulrich Kortenkamp, ))Brigitte Lutz-Westphal((, and Dirk Materlik, Visage – visualization of algorithms in discrete mathematics, Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik 37 (2005), no. 5, 395–401
Contributors to this page: Kortenkamp
Akira Iritani
Page last modified on Saturday 03 of September, 2011 [10:27:24 UTC] by Kortenkamp.
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